FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Methods of sprouting – from growing at home to industrial production


Sprouts were already known in ancient times; however, they were rediscovered in the 19th century when vegetarianism began to grow in importance and consumers excluded or limited meat in the diet consciously and deliberately, and not only for religious reasons. Among  other things, owing to the nutritional qualities of sprouts, it is predicted that the foods market share of sprouts will be increasing. Rich chemical composition and relatively easy production technology make sprouts a desirable product. Another attractive feature of the  sprouts is their all year long availability on the market unlike the seasonal fruits and vegetables. Along with the increase in the popularity  of sprouts, numerous methods of their production also appeared. The paper presents and characterizes the methods for obtaining sprouts,  both on the small and the industrial scale. Of the presented methods of sprouting, a jar method is named, which is the oldest yet the  simplest method of producing sprouts. In a domestic environment, sprouters are often used; they consist of perforated trays arranged on  top of each other and periodically washed with water. Larger tanks, climate cabinets or drum sprouters are used on a larger scale. In  addition to the methods shown, those solutions are also described, which are found in the production of sprouts such as automatic  machines in the form of vending machines. In the vending machine, sprouts can be produced at a place where they are vended, and the  machine service is simple and limited to supplying the device with sprouting seeds


sprouts, sprouting methods, jar method, tank method, drum sprouter
