In this study the effect of pretreatment and drying on the phenolics, anthocyanins contents and antioxidant capacity of highbush blueberries (cv. Bluecrop) was evaluated. Fresh and pretreated fruits (frozen, blanching, osmotic dehydrated) were dehydrated using air-drying method. Osmotic dehydrated and blanching fruits had significantly reduced total phenolics and anthocyanins contents as compared with fresh and frozen berries. The results showed that osmotic dehydration for a short time of up to 2 h minimized losses of the anthocyanins content in the blueberries. During air-dehydration a fresh blueberries were lost 39% phenolics content and 41% decrease of antioxidant capacity. Although pretreatment (osmotic concentration and blanching) and air dehydration influenced loss of antioxidant content, the dehydrated blueberries were high antioxidant capacity ranged from 68.1 to 102.3 μM Trolox eq/g.
antioxidant capacity, highbush blueberries, dried fruits, anthocyanins