FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Textural properties of crumb of wheat and oats flour bread


The objective of the research study was to assess the changes in some selected textural properties of crumb of wheat and oats flour bread with 50 % of residual oats flour therein and made using a fermentation method, either with yeast and without rye flour sourdough (MORD), or with rye sourdough (MORZ). That bread was compared with the bread containing 50% of commercial oats flour and made using the two above methods (MOHD and MOHZ); it was also compared with the wheat flour bread baked only with yeast (MPD). The addition of 50 % of the residual or commercial oats flour caused the yield of that bread to increase ca. 6 %, and its volume to decrease (ca. 360 cm3 ) compared to the wheat flour bread. Regardless of the method of making the dough, the organoleptic properties of the bread baked using the residual oats flour were better assessed than those of the bread made using the commercial oats flour. It was found that the resilience and springiness of bread crumb of all the bread loaves studied decreased gradually during the whole period of storage. All the tested wheat and oats flour bread loaves were characterized by a greater hardness (about 8 N) and chewiness (about 3,5 N) on the day of baking them compared to the wheat flour bread. It was confirmed that the use of sourdough had a positive effect on the hardening process of crumb of the bread loaves analyzed as it caused the intensity of that process to decrease. The sourdough used also impacted the final result after 3 days of storage: the wheat and oats flour bread loaves without the rye sourdough added showed a significantly higher crumb hardness already after the first day of storage.


residual oats flour, wheat and oats flour bread loaves, textural parameters of crumb, properties


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