FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY

General Information

Registration Form
Review questionnaire
Ghostwriting read corrected

Editor’s Guidelines for Authors

  1. The “Zywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc (Food. Science. Technology. Quality)” journal (referred to as ZNTJ) publishes research and review articles from the domain of food science.
  2. The journal publishes articles in Polish and English.
  3. Articles submitted to the Editor are accepted for publication based on the positive peer reviews pursuant to the peer reviewing procedure.
  4. The Editor reserves the right to abbreviate text, refine titles and/or the text of the articles accepted for publication.
  5. The Editor does not return unsolicited articles and materials.
  6. Scientific institutions submitting articles of their employees/co-workers for publication in ZNTJ have to bear part of the publishing costs. The fee is 300 EUR per published article. The Editor reserves the right to change the fees depending on the bailout amount from the Ministry of Education and Science, and on the own finances. The invoice incl. VAT will be issued as soon as the proof-printing of the article is ready.
  7. The Editor will send authorial copies of the journal with the article edited in it to the scientific institution that ordered the publication of the article.


Procedure for reviewing articles submitted for publication in the “Zywnosc. Nauka. Technologia. Jakosc (Food. Science. Technology. Quality) “ Journal

  1. The requirement for the article to be accepted for publication is that it fully complies with the journal’s profile.
  2. The Authors of the articles, which are beyond the journal’s profile are notified that their article has not been accepted for further editing procedures.
  3. The articles complying with the journal’s profile are directed to be peer reviewed anonymously. Both the Author (Authors) and reviewers are unaware of their names (double-blind review process).
  4. To evaluate the article, selected are two independent reviewers from outside the parent units the Author(s) is/are employed with, who are experts in the research area represented by the article.
  5. The review is written on paper. The reviewer fills in a ‘Peer Review Questionnaire’; in case of negative comments, he justifies them. Finally, the reviewer sums up the comments and provides the final decision whether to accept  or reject the article.
  6. Two favourable reviews are required for the article to be accepted for publishing.
  7. Additionally, the article is verified by a Statistical Editor as regards the correctness of the statistical methods applied by the Author(s).
  8. When twofavourable reviews are edited andthe Statistical Editor has no objections, the article is qualified for publication.
  9. The Editor sends the favourable reviews to the Authors.
  10. When the two reviews are favourable, but the reviewers require some amendments in the article or additional information, the Publisher sends the two reviews and the printed articles with the reviewers’ comments (provided they incorporated their comments into the text) as are the comments (if any) by the Statistical Editor. In order to finally accept the article for publication, the Author(s) must include the comments as suggested by the reviewers and the Statistical Editor.
  11. In the case of one favourable and one negative review, the Publisher has the right to send the article to return the article for the author/s to complement it (provided the reviewer suggests such options). The corrected/amended article is sent again for final review and approval.
  12. At the stage of preparing the article for publication, the Publisher has the right to request the Author(s) to make further indispensable corrections or additions so as to adjust the text to editorial standards.
  13. In the every 4th issue of the “Food. Science. Technology. Quality” journal, there is a list of reviewers to cooperate with the Publisher in a given year; the same list is shown on the website of the journal. 

This procedure for reviewing articles is consistent with the „Basic principles of reviewing papers to be published in journals” as recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science in force in Poland.