The quality of selected cake products with additional of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30% fibre from wheat bran, oat flakes and of commercial fibre from wheat and oat was investigated. Two kinds of cake products: teacakes and cookies were baked. Greater additionals of different fibre forms can be practical to cookies than to teacakes. The addition of commercial fibre to 30% did not cause the worsening of the quality of fragile cookies. The addition of wheat commercial fibre influenced negatively on the buns structure (more hardness). It was also stated that bigger additions of different forms of fibre may be used more likely to cookies than teacakes. In cookies the participation of wheat bran and oat flakes can amount 30%, and in teacakes to 10%. Used additionals of different fibre forms influenced on the enlargement in cake products contents of the total dietary fibre and its water soluble and insoluble fractions. But only cake products with the addition of commercial fibres contained more water soluble fraction which is more desirable from the regard on the wholesome prophylaxis.
cake products, wheat bran, oat flakes, commercial fibre