FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Physical properties of Amaranthuscruentus seeds from different cultivation regions in Poland


The objective of the research study was to determine the variability of physical properties of amaranth seeds depending on the region where they were grown and the year when they were harvested. The research material were Amaranthus cruentus seeds of the Aztek cultivar from the crops harvested in the farms located in the Lubelskie, Małopolskie and Dolnośląskie Provinces, in the years 2006, 2007, and 2008. Determined were the basic mass features (weight of 1000 seeds, bulk density, porosity), and surface characteristics (repose angle, chute angle, and friction coefficient). Using a Digital Image Analysis technique analyzed were the geometric parameters (length, width, diameter equivalent, projection perimeter, projection area, and projection circularity), as well as the colour of seeds. It was found that the highest weight of 1000 seeds (0.79 g) showed the sample (0.79 g) from the plantation located in Piaski Górne of the year 2008. Depending on the year and place of growing the amaranth seeds, their bulk density ranged from 819.56 kg/mto 867.48 kg/m3. Their repose angle value was between 25.6° (samples from the region near Lublin) and 30.6° (samples from Piaski Górne) and referred to the seeds harvested in 2008; the chute angle of the amaranth seeds from the plantation near Lublin ranged from 22.7° to 29.4°, of 2008 and 2007, respectively. The amaranth seeds grown in Piaski in 2007 were characterized by both the smallest length (1.27 mm) and the smallest width (1.10 mm). However, the seeds grown in the same region in 2008 had both the biggest length (1.39 mm) and the biggest width (1.20 mm). The seeds of 2008 were lighter and their L* component * was >86 %.


amaranth, seeds, surface characteristic, mass features, geometric parameters, colour


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