FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Nutritional and dietary value of gluten-free rolls with flaxseeds added


The objective of the study performed was to demonstrate benefits resulting from the addition of ground flaxseeds to gluten free rolls, at a level equal to 10% of starch as provided by the roll recipe. Gluten-free rolls, both those enriched and non-enriched with flaxseeds, were baked in a laboratory and, next, their quality and nutritional values were assessed. AOAC methods were used to determine the contents of protein, fat, dietary fibre, and ash. An amino acid analysis was also performed using an AAA400 analyser (INGOS); a profile of fatty acid was made using a gas chromatograph (QP 5050A, Shimadzu). Based on the amino acid composition, the protein quality indices were computed, i.e. a chemical score (CS) and an exogenous amino acid index (EAA). Additionally, the content of myoinositol phosphates was measured by a colorimetric method with a Wade reagent. It was confirmed that the amount of ground flaxseeds used to enrich the rolls did not impact the technological quality of gluten-free rolls; however, it significantly increased the content of nutrients therein, i.e protein (including exogenous amino acids), fat (including alpha-linolenic acid), mineral compounds in the form of ash, and dietary fibre. At the same time, it also reduced the level of digestive carbohydrates compared to the control rolls. The content of phytates in rolls with flaxseeds was significantly higher compared to the non-enriched products.


gluten-free rolls, common flaxseeds, nutritional value
