FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




The sensory quality and total micro-organism count in breast muscles of broiler chickens depending on the method and period of cold storage


A modern method for prolonging the shelf-life of meat is the cold storage of meat under controlled atmospheric conditions. The objective of the present paper was to determine effects of the two methods for storing breast muscles of broiler chickens, i.e. in an atmosphere of controlled gases (95% nitrogen, 5% oxygen), as well as in an air atmosphere, during a period of 5 to 25 days, on both the sensory properties of meat and the total micro-organism count. It was stated that the degree of microbiological infection occurring whilst cold-storing the breast muscles under investigation, and the unfavourable results of the sensory assessment of meat quality limited the period of storing breast muscles meat, and, in consequence, its usefulness for consumption, to a period of 5 days. In the case of the unwrapped breast muscles meat stored for 15 days under an atmosphere of controlled gases, the level of microbiological infection was considered to be satisfactory, and changes in the sensory properties to be insignificant. However, in the case of meat samples stored in the atmospheric air, the storage time was limited to 5 days owing to the increase in total micro organism count, and unfavourable changes in the sensory quality of meat limited the period of storing the breast muscles meat to a period of 5 days.


chicken breast muscles, controlled atmosphere, cold storage, sensory quality, microbiological quality
