FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Selected behaviours of young consumers in the traditional food market and their determinants


The objective of the survey was to determine the attitudes of consumers towards the traditionally Polish food products and dishes, their familiarity with and willingness to consume, in the future, some selected products and dishes representing the traditionally Polish cuisine, including their attitudes towards novel foods. The survey of the consumers was accomplished using questionnaires, in Warsaw, in 2007. 203 persons aged less than 30 were polled. The data collected were statistically analysed using SPSS 12.0 Pl for Windows, descriptive statistics, test Chi square, and bi-variant correlation coefficients; the significance level of p≤ 0.05 was applied. The polled represented positive attitudes towards the traditionally Polish food. While choosing among the novel and traditional dishes, there were fewer people who indicated traditional dishes, however, more persons chose dishes prepared according to the recipes of the Polish cuisine than according to recipes of other cuisines. Among four dishes representing the traditional Polish food (sour rye soup, sauerkraut soup, stuffed dumplings, savoury stew of cabbage and meat), only the savoury stew of cabbage and meat was consumed by the surveyed. Statistically significantly, there were more persons showing a high level of neophobia who chose the traditionally Polish food. The analysis performed shows that the population of young consumers surveyed is characterized by a high attachment to the traditionally Polish cuisine, and this is evidenced by their attitudes as declared towards the traditionally Polish products and dishes, as well as by their choosing traditional products from the option: traditional – characteristic for the cuisine of other nations.


consumer, consumer behaviours, traditional food, food market


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