The investigated material consisted of right half-carcasses of 22 gilts and 21 sows (primiparous) having a Danish Landrace x Danish Yorkshire genotype. The animals originated from the same farm. After the completion of fattening the gilts, and as soon as piglets were weaned (sows), the animals were slaughtered at a meat plant. Twenty four (24) hours after the slaughter accomplished, thickness values of backfat were measured in carcasses of gilts and sows, and no statistically significant differences between the average values in the individual groups were found. Per cent contents of individual elements in halfcarcasses under investigation were analyzed, and the results of the analysis performed showed that the neck and chap contents were significantly higher in half-carcasses of gilts whereas the contents of hams, ribs, and legs were significantly higher in carcasses of sows. The consequence of the close per cent contents of individual elements in the carcasses of gilts and sows was an insignificant difference (8.50 PLN/1.17%) in the market (trade) values, calculated as per 100 kg, of the gilts’ and sows’ carcasses.
gilts, primiparous sows, slaughter value