Eggs laid by 32-week-old Astra S and Astra H laying hens were investigated. Egg quality was analysed on the 1st, 14th, 21st, and 28th day of their being stored at 4°C and 20°C, and with the relative humidity of 45-50%. The objective of the experiment was to determine the ageing rate of egg content in relation to to the storage conditions, the origin of the layers, and their housing system. The studies showed no significant effects of the origin and the housing system on the parameters tested. All changes resulting from the ageing process led to a gradual loss of egg freshness. A temperature of 20°C had a greater influence on the rate of these changes, while eggs stored at 4°C were of a good quality and fresh even after a 28-day storage time.
laying hens, egg storage, egg quality