The microstructure of fresh and three days-stored Balady bread was studied using two different microscopic methods (LM and SEM). These both techniques revealed a great differences in the starch microstructure as well as protein distribution between two layers of fresh Balady bread. The lower layer of Balady bread is characterized by the greater extent of starch geletinization as compared to the upper one. The upper layer of Balady bread is formed by continuos protein matrix with embedded lenticular-shaped starch granules. The microstructure of Balady bread after 3 days of baking differs from that of the fresh one mainly in the starch granules structure. The visible differences seem to be connected with different degree of starch gelatinization in each of the layers as well as free water (released from granules) redistribution between the layers. It was found that mainly these changes in stored bread allowed rapid retrogradation of the main soluble starch component – amylose.