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FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY

Editorial office

CHIEF EDITOR: prof. dr hab. inż. Lesław Juszczak
DEPUTY EDITOR: prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz Witczak

prof. dr hab. Grażyna Jaworska (food of plant origin)
prof. dr hab. Danuta Kolożyn-Krajewska (microbiology, food hygiene and safety)
prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Krygier (fats technology, functional food)
prof. dr hab. Irena Ozimek (consumer behavior on the food market)
prof. dr hab. Edward Pospiech (meat science)
dr hab. Anna S. Tarczyńska, prof. UWM (dairy, quality management)

STATISTICAL EDITOR: Prof. dr hab. inż. Mariusz Witczak
LANGUAGE EDITOR: dr hab. Anna Piechnik, prof. UJ
CO-WORKERS: dr Grażyna Morkis (Kraków)


Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość(ŻNTJ)/ Food.Science.Technology.Quality is the scientific journal issued by the Polish Society of Food Technologists. It is addressed to food scientists, technologists, food industry employees, food authorities employees, and also to quality managers, students of food technology and related. This quarterly is opinion-forming and influential. In this journal articles relating to all sectors of food industry are published.

Fixed sections in the journals:
Original research papers and review papers elaborated by authors who are interested in food science: storage of food raw materials and food products, factors determining the quality of the food, forming the sensory characteristics of the food, new food products development, innovative technologies and products, research methodology, food safety and quality management.

Fixed sections in the journals:
Foodand the national and EU legislation-an overview of the legal acts.
New books – in this section we present new books appearing in Poland and in the world. We have also included reviews of the most interesting items.
Food Technologist – newsletter, whose purpose is to inform readers and members PTTŻ about current issuesof the environmentand the activities of PTTŻ.
The creators of Polish food science – the aim of this chapters to preserve the memory of the eminent scholars who formed the foundations of today’s food science.
Interaction of food ingredients (finished at 6(103) 2015 issue) – the purpose of this chapter is to familiarize the reader witha concise information on the chemical nature of the relationship of food ingredients with their biological activity.
Bioinorganic and bioorganic food chemistry – discussed in the particular articles issues in the field of bioinorganic and bioorganic food chemistry mainly involve conformation of chemical compounds present in food and the environment in creating their biological properties.

ISSN 1425-6959 to the number 1(104) 2016

Current ISSN number:
for on line version ISSN 2451-0777
for printed version ISSN 2451-0769

All submissions will go through a strict double-blind peer-reviewed procedure. The journal is under the evaluation made by the Ministry of Higher Education in Poland.

 20-12-2012  10230 A 15  0,155
 17-12-2013 10804 A 15  0,190
 31-12-2014  10996 A 15  0,311
23-12-2015  2210 B 13  –
09-12-2016 2207 B 13  –
26-01-2017 11737 A 15  –
31-07-2019 27292 20
18-12-2019 27289 UIC 27301 20
09-02-2021 27286 UIC 27301 20

The journal is indexed by:
AGROAriantaBazEkonChemical Abstracts ServiceCrossRef (DOI)ImpcatFactor.plIndex CopernicusInternational Food Information ServicePolska Bibliografia NaukowaSCImago, Journal & Country RankScopusWeb of Science, EBSCO, Electronic Journal Library