FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Assessment of fruit and vegetables consumption by children in crèches in Zakopane


The objective of the research study was to assess the consumption frequency of fruit and vegetables by children aged 1-3 on the basis of the results of questionnaire survey conducted amongst the mothers of those children. The questionnaire comprised the questions on the consumption frequency of fruit and vegetables as well as on the knowledge of how to properly feed small children in terms of providing them with fruit and vegetables. The questionnaire survey was conducted amongst 300 mothers of the boys and girls aged 1 – 3 in several crèches in Zakopane. The results obtained were statistically analysed using χ2 Pearson test. It was found that 93 % of the responding mothers were interested in the principles of healthy eating in terms of fruit and vegetable consumption by children. Of all the children attending crèches in Zakopane (according to the statements made by the surveyed) 85 % eagerly ate fruit and vegetables; apples, bananas, raspberries, and tomatoes, carrots, and cucumbers were their favourite fruits. Almost 30 % of the respondents declared that their children ate fruit and vegetables 2 – 3 times a day, whereas 20 % of the mothers surveyed declared that their children ate that type of products only once a day. The vast majority of the mothers provided their kids with fruit instead of sweets. It was found that this tendency increased with the increasing level of mothers’ education. The mothers encouraged their children to eat fruits and vegetables through games or eating in the company of other kids. As declared by the mothers, over half of the children consumed mainly raw fruit and vegetables and rarely the cooked and/or fried fruits and vegetables. Also, the women surveyed provided their children with different types of fruit and vegetable juices.


children aged 1 – 3, fruit, vegetables, consumption frequency, questionnaire survey
