FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




The profile of oat starches isolated from various forms of oats


Oat starch has unique physical, chemical, and structural properties causing this starch to significantly differ from starches isolated from other sources, in particular, in the size of granules and in the content of lipids. The objective of this paper was to analyze and compare some selected physicochemical properties of starches derived from the selected Polish cultivars and strains of oats. The material analyzed consisted of the covered (glumiferous) oats of the Bohun and Cwał cultivars, naked oats of the Akt and Polar cultivars, and the black-grain strains of CHD 3047/03 and CHD 3076/03 oats. In the isolated starches, the contents of lipids, proteins, and amylose were determined, and the solubility and water binding capacity of those starches were characterised at a temperature of 75, 85, and 95 °C. Moreover, the pasting profile of waterstarch suspensions was analyzed using a Brabender viscoamylograph. The starches studied showed considerable differences in their contents of fat and amylose. The content of lipids varied from 1.13 to 1.34 %, and the starches from naked grains of oats and black glumelle strains were characterized by a higher content of fat compared to the starch from the covered (glumiferous) varieties. The highest content of amylose was found in the starches isolated from naked oats cultivars. With regard to the content of proteins, no significant differences among individual starches were found. The average content of this component was 0.31 %. The solubility and water binding capacity, which essentially increased with the temperature rising from 85 ºC to 95 ºC, were negatively correlated with the content of fatty substances.


oat starch, physicochemical properties, amylose, pasting profile, water binding capacity
