FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Effect of oligofructose as additive on selected distinguishing features of quality of probiotic fruit-tea sorbets


The objective of the research study was to determine the possibilities of producing probiotic fruit- tea sorbets with an oligofructose prebiotic as additive so that they would be characterized by a good microbiological quality (in terms of the survival of probiotic bacteria) and a good sensory quality. The scope of the research study included: producing probiotic fruit-tea sorbets under laboratory conditions, determining the count of Lactobacillus rhamnosus LOCK900, measuring the pH values, and assessing the changes in the sensory quality of products during storage at a temperature of -300C for a period of 12 weeks. It was found that the oligofructose additive had a beneficial effect on the growth and survival of probiotic bacteria in the fruit-tea sorbets. It was shown that the time period of storage had a significant (p ≤ 0.05) effect on the amount of L. rhamnosus LOCK900 bacteria in the sorbets studied. During the entire period of storing the products, the count of bacteria didn’t decrease below the minimum therapeutic dose (i.e. 6 log jtk/g of product). Of all the products stored for 12 weeks, the sorbet with a 2 percent of oligofructose added was reported to have the highest count of L. rhamnosus LOCK900 bacteria (8.22 log jtk/g). The oligofructose included in the recipe caused the overall sensory quality of fruit-tea sorbets to improve. The sorbet that contained 2-percent of prebiotic added received the highest assessment score. Additionally, it was found that the oligofructose added had a beneficial effect on the one of the distinguishing features of the sensory quality of the product: on the texture. The sorbets with the oligofructose added were characterized by a smoother texture compared to the control sample. During 12 weeks of storage, the synbiotic sorbets (with the oligofructose added) were higher rated than the probiotic sorbet without that prebiotic.


sorbet, probiotics, oligofructose, functional food
