FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Properties of fatty acid esters of starch


The objective of the research study was to discuss the effect of substituting starch with residues of monocarboxylic or dicarboxylic aliphatic acids on the basic starch properties appearing significant in food technology. The effect was discussed of the degree of substitution and of the chain length of acid residue on the properties of the preparations produced as were the effects of starch modification on starch solubility in water and organic solvents, on the water absorption and thermal resistance of unprocessed starch (powder) as well as on the viscosity, surface activity, thermal stability, susceptibility to enzyme action, and the ability to form a coating (suspension, gruel or gel). Moreover, potential uses were presented of starch esters in the food and food related industries. Based on the reference literature review, it was confirmed that linking a fatty acid residue to a starch particle resulted in the formation of an amphiphilic-like compound and made it possible to significantly increase the range of polymer applications in various industrial branches. From the point of view of food technology, the new use of starch esters and fatty acids as stabilisers and thickeners is associated, mainly, with a higher viscosity of their solutions, the changed water absorption and solubility. Because of their amphiphilic character, the esters can be also used as emulsifiers and coating agents in microcapsules. The plasticization effect of the linked fatty acid increases the thermal stability and improves mechanical properties of modified starch; thus, the modified starch can play a role of a biodegradable packaging film.


starch esters, fatty acids, modified starch, new use of starch


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