FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Yields comparison of oats with other cereals in crop-rotation long-term experiment


The results obtained on the basis of the crop-rotation long-term experiment conducted from 1970 to 1997 on a very good rye soil at the Experimental Station in Grabów were used in the paper. Yielding of oats in dependence on: plant protection, mineral fertilization, sowing time, course of weather (accumulated temperature and total precipitation in interfacial periods) was estimated. Productivity of oats with winter wheat, winter rye and spring barley in dependence on selected agricultural factors was additionally compared. Comparatively high, but variable in years, grain yields of oats were obtained. Productivity of this cereal was significantly dependent on the total precipitation in the period of shooting – heading. Intensification of agricultural practice (plant protection against diseases, higher mineral fertilization) did not influence the increase of oats yielding. The grain yields of oats in conditions of less intensive agricultural practice were similar to yields of other cereal species (winter wheat, winter rye and spring barley). In conditions of more intensive cultivation technology (plant protection against diseases, weeds and plant lodging) the yielding of winter cereals was significantly higher in comparison with spring cereals.
