FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Malts as source of amylolytic enzymes in enzymatic hydrolysis process of starch


The objective of the research study was to determine the effectiveness of saccharification of cereal starch using malts as a source of amylases and the efficiency of alcoholic fermentation with the Ethanol Red yeast strain. Distillery mashes were prepared by a method of pressure-less liberation of starch (PLS) from unmalted rye of the Dańkowskie Diament cultivar with 30 % of wheat, rye, and barley malts added. For comparison, the unmalted rye mashes were fermented by the PLS method using enzyme preparations of microbial origin. Based on the research results, it was concluded that the malts enzymes made it possible to produce sweet mashes with a content of extract and total sugars similar to that in the rye mashes made by the PLS method with the use of α-amylase and glucoamylase present in commercial preparations. The mashes made of wheat and barley malts had a higher degree of saccharification comparing to the preparations made exclusively of unmalted grains and to the preparations with added rye malt. The highest efficiency of ethanol biosynthesis (83.69 ± 1.95 % of theoretical yield) was reported in the case of rye mashes saccharified with the wheat malt.


cereal malts, α-amylase, ß-amylase, glucoamylase, fermentation, pressure-less liberation of starch (PLS), fermentation
