FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Effect of addition L-ascorbic acid in pulp on polyphenols content in pears juices


The aim of the study was evaluating theeffects of addition L-ascorbic acid in pulp on polyphenols content in pear juices. The materials for the study involes samples of fruit juice obtained from pear cultivar Confenrence. The pears were harvested at comercial maturity. The steps involved in the procesing of the raw material are picking, washing, filtering, grinding (with addition ascorbic acid 0, 200, 400 mg·kg-1 pears), pressing, bottling, seading, pasteurisation and coolin (to 20°C) in order. After manufacturing juices were stored for 3, 6, 12, 24 i 36 weeks in temperature 20°C. The phenolic content of pears juices using the HPCL technique were analyzed. The results indicated that p-hydroxybenzoic acid, chlorogenic acid, (-)epicatechin, p-cumaric acid, synapic acid. The study proofed that the ascorbic acid dose influenced on increasing individual phenolic acid. Storage duration of pears juices resulted losses polyphenols content in juices.


cloudy pear juice, polyphenols, HPLC, ascorbic acid
