FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Technological quality of grains of spring wheat varieties cultivated in pure and mixed sowing and with use of fungicides


The research material was grain and flour of four spring wheat varieties cultivated in clean and mixed sowing, and harvested during three subsequent years of cultivation. The varieties investigated were: Omega, Igna, Henika, and Banti, as well as their mixes: Omega+Igna+Henika and Omega+Igna+Banti. The mixes in question were made of equal quantities of each variety before the sowing took place. Omega and Igna are sensitive to pathogenic fungi contrary to the Henika and Banti varieties. Two methods of cultivating wheat were applied: with and without the fungicidal protection. Evidence was provided that genetic features of varieties influenced the technological quality of mixes. The low glassiness of Banti grains and the high sedimentation value of flour produced of these grains (28%, 40,0 cm3) influenced the values of these two parameters in the Omega+Igna+Banti mix (62%, 39,0 cm3). The high productivity and deliquescence of wet gluten contained in a flour from Henika grains (36,4%, 12 mm) contributed to the higher values of parameters of the above mentioned mix of Omega+Igna+Henika (36,2%, 8 mm) if compared with the Omega (35,1%, 7 mm) and Igna varieties (33,8%, 6 mm). Owing to fungicides added, the majority of grains’ physical properties of grain improved, as did the total flour yield. However, at the same time, fungicides caused a decrease in the total protein content in flour and they reduced the volume and porosity quality of bread’s crumb.


wheat, variety mixes, fungicides, grain, quality
