FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Quality and aging of bread from wholemeal common wheat and spelt flours, and from wholemeal rye flour


The objective of the research study was to assess the quality of bread baked from wholemeal common wheat and spelt wheat wholemeal flours, and from a rye wholemeal flour using a spontaneous sourdough based on the respective wholemeal flour derived from a given cereal, and to determine the aging process of this bread during storage. In a conventional bakery, spontaneous sourdough starters were made from the above named three types of flour and added to the dough in an appropriate proportion. The 600 g pieces of the dough were baked and, after cooling, their weight was determined, their volume was measured, a baking loss was calculated, and an organoleptic assessment was performed. In all the bread loaves, there were determined the contents of: water, total protein, dietary fibre (soluble and insoluble fractions), ash (of the selected macro- and microelements), raw fat, some selected micotoxins, myoinositol phospates, substances that give bread its taste and aroma, and acrylamid. Also, the texture profile of bread crumb was measured on the day of baking and during a 7 day period of storage. Moreover, in 1 g of bread, the count of aerobic amylolytic bacteria (OLBA) was determined as were the counts of sporeforming aerobic amylolytic bacteria (OLBAP), yeasts and moulds (OLG); the thermostatic stability of bread was determined after the 1st, 2nd, 5th, and 7th day of storage. Bread baked from the common wheat Graham flour was characterized by the highest volume and the samples of this bread received, especially for its smell and taste, the highest acceptance of the consumers, who assessed them organoleptically. The rye and spelt bread loaves were characterized by a comparable loaf volume; however, the rye bread was accepted higher by the consumers than the spelt bread. In the bread made from both the common wheat and spelt wheat flour, a similar ratio was determined of lactic to acetic acid (68/32, on average). The highest level of glucose was measured in the rye bread. In contrast to the rye bread, in the bread produced from common and spelt wholemeal flours, there were determined lower contents of myo-inositol phosphates (IP3 and IP2) and higher contents of phosphates of that compound (IP5 and IP4). In the bread from spelt wholemeal flour, even trace contents of acrylamide were not found, and in the other bread loaves, trace amounts of this compound were determined. The bread analysed had a high microbiological stability. On the day of baking, the highest moisture content was reported in the rye bread loaves (approx. 50 %) while the average content of moisture was 47.5 % in the crumb of wheat bread (from common Graham and spelt wheat flour). After 7 days of storage, the moisture content in all the bread loaves decreased to a very low degree: 0.5 to 1 p.p., although their crumbs progressively hardened during storage; the rye bread crumb hardened the slowest.


wholemeal bread made with spontaneous sourdough from: rye flour, common wheat flour, spelt wheat flour, spontaneous sourdough, bread quality, bread aging
