FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Effect of ultrasound on concentration of selected bioactive compounds in infusions of peppermint, chamomile and coffee


The infusion preparation processes can be modified in order to provide drinks characterised by a richer chemical  composition and more desirable sensory parameters. Interesting is the use of ultrasound in the process of making  infusions from various materials of plant origin. The objective of the research study was to assess the impact of the  infusion preparation method on the concentration of polyphenols and caffeine. The infusions of peppermint,  common chamomile and coffee were made using variable parameters of time and temperature; also the infusions  were brewed traditionally and with the application of ultrasound. It was shown that the duration of brewing  process and water temperature impacted the concentration of active substances in the infusions prepared as did  the use of sonication. It was proven that the application of sonication had a significant effect on the increase in the  concentration of polyphenols (by 7 ÷ 54 %) and caffeine (by 3 ÷ 20 %) in the infusions made. The sonication- supported brewing process made it possible to make beneficial infusions from both the herbs tested and the coffee  at a lower water temperature (70 ºC) and during a shorter brewing time. Ultrasound is an interesting technique  that can significantly improve the quality of herbal and coffee extracts in terms of the content of active substances.  The utilization of ultrasound provides the potential to make infusions with similar concentrations of active  substances using a smaller quantity of raw material or during a shorter time compared to the traditional way of  brewing.


peppermint, chamomile, coffee, infusions, ultrasound, polyphenols, caffeine
