FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY


Substantive requirements

  1. The original article should be a properly defined research / scientific study with a clearly determined objective and scope. Since 2012, the Editor of ZNTJ has implemented procedures to ensure the authenticity of scientific publications (ghostwriting bar).
  2. In research articles, the results of yet unpublished research should be included, the research results should be not older than 4 years. The review articles should be a comprehensive review of the knowledge base ref. to a particular field for a period of 10 recent years.
  3. The body of the research articles should comprise the following chapters: Introduction (with the objective of the research study at the end); Material and Methodology;Results and Discussion; Conclusions, Reference Literature; Summary.
  4. The review articles should be divided in subchapters by non-numbered headings; they should start with the Introduction chapter that introduces into the topic and should end with the Summary The Authors define the reading of headings.
  5. The Conclusions or Summary chapters should be followed by information about the project under which the research article was made and the financial sources the research was financed by.
  6. The Summary chapter should be a separate text of about 200- 250 words; it should cover the essential issues dealt with in the article, the most important results, and conclusions. Without reading the entire article, the readers should learn directly from the Summary what the determined correlations are or what facts were found.
  7. Reference Literature should be cited from the original sources.
  8. Illustrative materials (tables, figures, photos, etc.) protected by copyrights and contained in external should be incorporated into the body of the article only based on the written consent of the copyrights owners; such consents must be submitted to the Editor.
  9. Research conducted involving animals should have an annotation incorporated into the Methodology chapter that due ethical consent has been issued by a relevant bioethical panel to conduct such research experiments.
  10. The article should be written briefly, in correct English, using correct specialist nomenclature in force, e.g. names of chemical compounds, apparatuses, processes, etc. It is indispensable to use SI units except for temperature that should be in expressed in degrees Celsius (° C). Between the value/number and the unit comes a space (pursuant to PN- EN ISO 80000-1:2013-07). It is also necessary to provide essential details ref. to: origin of the research material, methodology of research, source of the methods, design of the experiment, number of samples and/or of repetitions, and statistical methods applied. The results obtained shouldbe presented as concisely as possible and discussed in comparison to contemporary scientific results in the scientific field referred to.
  11. Of several articles with an identical title and numbered headings, the Editor publishes only one article. Every article must be a separate study with its own title.

Technical requirements

  1. 1. When submitting an article for publication in the ŻNTJ journal, it should be sent to the Publisher via the Editorial System available on the main page „Manuscript submission” or at:
    – a text file (the name of the file should be the surname of the first author);
    – an application form for an article to be published with a statement;
    – charts in excel format in separate files.
  2. The Registration Form to register an article for publication and Author’s (Authors’) Statement should be attached to the article.
  3. In order to ensure anonymity, the name(s) of the author(s) should be entered only in the Registration Form to register the article for publication.
  4. It is recommended that the whole article including Tables, Figures, Literature, and Summary does not exceed 20 B5 pages. The text should be written in Word (.doc) format using Times New Roman fonts. The size of the field for text and illustrative materials on the page should not exceed 5 cm × 19.5 cm except for horizontally arranged Tables that can be 21 cm wide.
  5. Layout of the article
  • 5 cm of free space from the top of the page
  • Title of the article: Times New Roman font sized 11, bold capital letters, aligned to the centre;
  • Summary: Times New Roman font sized 9, aligned to the left and right margin;
  • Keywords: Times New Roman font sized 9, aligned to the left and right margin, not less than 4 and not more than 6 keywords that can help while indexing and searching;
  • Introduction (and subsequent chapter headings): Times New Roman font sized 11, bold, aligned to the left margin;
  • Body of the article: Times New Roman font sized 11, aligned to the left and right margin, line spacing: 1.5;
  • It is required that Tables, Figures or Photographs are numbered and incorporated into the body of the article. They should be put within the body of the text so that the sequence of the references in the text corresponds with their subsequent numbers. Moreover, it is recommended that the original files containing illustrative materials made in Excel or in any other software different from WORD text editor are attached to the emails. Tables and Figures should be clear; however, they must contain information indispensable to understanding their content without looking up explanatory notes inside the body of the text. Tables and diagrams should not show the same data. Captions and descriptions in Tables and Figures should be written using a TNR font. Titles of Tables should be above them (font 9), whereas the text within Tables should be in TNR font sized 9 at the maximum; neither bold nor italic fonts are acceptable. Only biological names in Latin or headings should be written in italics. Titles of Figures (font sized 9) should be below them. The descriptions in Figures should be written using font sized, max, 9. Additional background in Tables and Figures is not recommended;
  • Titles of and explanatory notes to, Figures and Tables should be in Polish and British English. Only in Literature, titles of the papers written in American Englishand originating from original American journals should belisted in American English since the original spelling of source-derived articles should not be changed;
  • Photographs and diagrams (other than in Microsoft Excel) should be of a good quality, in tif- or jpg-formats, their resolution minimum 300 dpi;
  • Reference Literature: using Times New Roman font sized 9, aligned to the left and right margin, listed in alphabetical order of the names of the first author, without classification into individual forms of papers. ‘Anonymous’ should be added where the author is not named. Every item listed should be denoted by an ordinal number in square bracket (see the example below). Within the text, the reference literature should be referred to by providing the number (also in the square bracket) of the relevant item from the list. Information in the alphabet other than Latin should be transliterated into Polish. The list of Reference Literature should contain a maximum of the 30 most important items, primarily from the last decade. Mandatory abbreviations of the names of journals listed should be used. Bibliographic description of every item should end with a dot;
  • Title in English: font 9, same as in the text, capital, bold letters, aligned to two margins;
  • Summary: font 9, same as in the text, aligned to two margins; the English summary must be an exact translation of the Polish summary;
  • Keywords in English: font 9, equivalents of the Polish keywords.
  1. Examples of how to write various forms of References Literature (Bibliography), i.e. article, book, patents, etc.

[1] Dziuba J., Szerszunowicz I., Nałęcz D., Dziuba M.: Proteomiczne badania frakcji albuminowej i globulinowej ziaren grochu siewnego (Pisumsativum L.). Acta Sci. Pol., Technol. Aliment., 2014, 13 (2), 181-190.
[2] Kowalski S., Lukasiewicz M.: Wpływ warunków wypieku kruchych ciastek na powstawanie wybranych pochodnych furanowych oraz zmianę potencjału antyoksydacyjnego. Żywność. Nauka. Technologia. Jakość, 2014, 1 (92),187-199.
[3] Morales F.J., Martin S., Açar Ö.Ç., Arribas-Lorenzo G., Gökmen V.: Antioxidant activity of cookies and its relationship with heat-processing contaminants: a risk/benefit approach. Eur. Food Res. Technol., 2009, 3 (228), 345-354.

[1] Asatiani M.D., Elisashvili V., Songulashvili G., Reznick A.Z., Wasser S.P.: Higher Basidiomycetes mushrooms as a source of antioxidants. In.: Progress in Mycology. Eds. M. Rai, G. Kovics. Scientific Publishers India, 2010, pp. 311-326.
[2] Black M, Bewley J.D, Halmer P.: The Encyclopedia of Seeds, Science, Technology and Use. Eds. CABI, Wallingford, UK, 2003, p. 336.
[3] Baryłko-Pikielna N., Matuszewska I.: Sensoryczne badania żywności. Podstawy. Metody. Zastosowania. Wyd. II. Wyd. Nauk. PTTŻ, Kraków 2014.
[4] Wójciak K.M., Dolatowski Z.J.: Wpływ warunków dojrzewania na jakość fizykochemiczną fermentowanych kiełbas surowych z dodatkiem probiotyku. W: Probiotyki w żywności. Red. D. Kołożyn-Krajewska i Z.J. Dolatowski. Wyd. Nauk. PTTŻ, Kraków 2010, ss. 81-102.

Applicable Standards
[1] PN-EN ISO 8586-2:2008. Analiza sensoryczna. Ogólne wytyczne wyboru, szkolenia i monitorowania oceniających. Część 2: Eksperci oceny sensorycznej.
[2] PN-ISO 6579:2003. Mikrobiologia żywności i pasz. Horyzontalna metoda wykrywania Salmonellaspp.
[3] PN-A-04019:1998. Produkty spożywcze. Oznaczanie zawartości witaminy C.

Conferences Materials, legislative acts, patents, websites
[1] Foegeding E.A.: The viscosity, texture and other rheological properties of dairy products. 4th Int. Symp. on Recombined Milk and Milk Products, Cancun, Mexico 2004, may 9 – 12, p. 28.
[2] Kłosowski G.: Teoretyczne podstawy wzrostu wydajności alkoholu przy zastosowaniu metody bezciśnieniowego uwalniania skrobi (BUS). Mat. IV Semin. nt.: „Aktualne problemy gorzelnictwa rolniczego”, Bydgoszcz 1998, ss. 47-50.
[3] Rozporządzenie Ministra Zdrowia z dnia 23 grudnia 2010 r. w sprawie specyfikacji i kryteriów czystości substancji dodatkowych. Dz. U. 2011 r. Nr 2, poz. 3.
[4] Rozporządzenie (WE) nr 852/2004 Parlamentu Europejskiego i Rady z dnia 29 kwietnia 2004 r. w sprawie higieny środków spożywczych (z późn. zm.). Dz. Urz. UE L 139, s. 1, z 30.04.2004.
[5] Ustawa z dnia 25 sierpnia 2006 r. o bezpieczeństwie żywności i żywienia. Dz. U. 2006 r. Nr 171, poz. 1225. Tekst jednolity z dnia 29 czerwca 2010 r. Dz. U. 2010 r. Nr 136, poz. 914.
[6] Shih J.C.H., Xiang Lin., Miller E.S.: DNA encoding Bacillus licheniformis PWD-1 Keratinase.  USA. Patent US 1998, 5.712.147.
[7] Lista Produktów Tradycyjnych. [online]. MRiRW. Dostęp w Internecie: [02.01.2012.]