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FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Effect of qualitative determinants of dairy products on choosing discount stores as place of purchasing them by young buyers


Changes in the commercial sector cause that the present-day market of food products is characterized by high volatility and unpredictability. An important element of creating a competitive strategy for entities operating on a given market is to know and understand the factors that shape buyers’ choices of products and purchase places. In Poland the development of discount chains was reported. Until recently, for the most part, low prices in the discount stores encouraged Polish buyers to purchase in those stores, however over time the growing requirements of discount customers became a key factor in the development of new sales models in the discount stores. They started a process of changing the concepts of their standards through improving the offer of products with regard to the quality. The objective of the paper was to assess the effect of some selected quality factors of food products on the buyer decisions related to selecting discount stores as a place of purchase. The research part was developed on the basis of surveys carried out in 2016 on a group of 358 buyers of dairy products using a targeted selection method. A CAWI method supported by a PAPI method was used to collect data. In the statistical analyses describing behaviours of the purchasers surveyed, a factor analysis was used and a probit model was applied to model consumer decisions on selecting the place of purchase (i.e. the discount store). The conducted research confirmed that the quality features were of crucial importance for the young buyers of dairy products while making their purchasing decisions. On the basis of the analysis of the effect of qualitative factors on the selection of the discount store as a place to purchase dairy products, it was found that sensory factors and the healthfulness of the products had the strongest stimulating effect on the consumer decisions.


discount stores, dairy products, behaviours of young buyers, quality
