FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

Food. SCIENCE. Technology. Quality

Food. Science. TECHNOLOGY. Quality

Food. Science. Technology. QUALITY




Chemical compounds and physicochemical estimation of buckwheat grains – comparison of three polish varieties


Grains of buckwheat contain valuable nutrients such as: proteins, saccharides, lipids, micro-, macroelemets and non – nutritional: dietary fibre and resistant starch. Species, variety and environmental conditions influence on the contents of particular components. The aim of this study was comparative characteristics of buckwheat grains of Polish varieties to perform selection of material in profile of further researches. The analysing material were buckwheat grains (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench) included in national register of varieties: Kora, Luba, Panda. Analysis of physical properties such as the mass of thousand grains, and percentage content of hull in mass of grain, did not show marking differences between varieties. Content of starch and proteins was similar also. Content of lipids made decreasing order: Kora> Luba> Panda, but chromatographic analysis of fatty acids showed presence of acids from C14 to C12 with about 90% part of oleic acid (C18:1) and linoleic acid (C18:2). Analysis of dietary fibre showed the ratio of dietary fibre fractions IDF:SDF, expressed properly 3:1 (v. Kora), 3:1 (v. Panda), 4:1 (v. Luba), but fraction of not hydrolyzed starch by pancreas amylase especially distinguished the buckwheat grains of Kora variety. For further stage of buckwheat grains researches of Kora variety were selected because of results of fatty acids content and composition, resistant starch and soluble dietary fibre content.


buckwheat grains, variety, nutrients and non- nutritional with healthy value
