FOOD. Science. Technology. Quality

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Legal definitions in food law – reasons of forming and forms


Legal texts including the provisions of the Polish and EU food law should be characterized by clarity and explicitness in order not to have difficulties while interpreting them and to produce reliable results while explaining them. One of the basic legislation techniques, which makes it possible to achieve the above objectives, is the formulation of legal definitions. By means of legal definitions, the legislator imposes the exact meaning on the terms being defined, which, otherwise, could be misinterpreted. Legal definitions are formulated where a term is ambiguous, insufficiently clear-cut, not commonly understandable, or there is a need to give new meaning to it. Regarding the forms, there are direct and indirect (contextual) definitions. The direct definitions, especially if they are numerous in an act, are frequently grouped in the so-called dictionaries of legal acts. However, this does not exclude that both the direct and the indirect definitions can be, also, set somewhere else beyond the dictionaries. The food law, which is in force in Poland, consists of Polish and EU legal acts and uses all the known forms of definitions to achieve the abovementioned clarity and explicitness of legal provisions.


food law, legal definitions, legislative drafting, Poland, European Union
